When a customer with a contractor or other construction participants cannot find a common language, you have to resort to a construction examination, which consists in conducting a set of measures related to the identification of deficiencies and various violations committed during one or several stages of construction.
Moreover, it can be appointed in court if it is established that specific scientific knowledge is needed to determine the circumstances. With the help of such an examination, the true quality of the work carried out is determined, as well as their compliance with the construction standards and rules.
Depending on the type of study (judicial or special), an appropriate conclusion is drawn up, which contains arguments for each answer, photographs, drawings, sketches and other documentation.
As a rule, a forensic examination is assigned in cases where it is necessary to establish circumstances that are evidence of or belong to criminal or civil cases. As for special studies, they are intended to resolve issues with a special nature. In other words, they allow you to resolve situations in which only certain specialists can understand.
Such an examination can be assigned in two cases:
1. At the request of the authorized body.
2. At the request of an individual or legal entity.
How a construction examination is being carried out?
The first thing is a contract, which indicates all the nuances regarding the time, the place of research, as well as the cost of services and the payment method. Then experts begin to inspect the object. In the case when, in addition to you, there are other parties that are interested in conducting an examination from ETCU, you should notify them in writing in advance. To do this, you can send a telegram three days before the start, but be sure to maintain a notification that it was received by the addressee.
At the appointed date, an expert or specialist will conduct a full examination of the building, during which he will photograph the necessary sites, take measurements, collect and analyze the data obtained. Then a written report will be prepared, with photographs attached to it, copies of licenses, etc. The client will be able to receive all the documentation directly in the office of the Contractor or it will be provided through a popular delivery.