In industrial buildings, concrete floors are often equipped, the design of which is performed in advance, taking into account the load that they will take on after installing machines and other production equipment. This requires more than a dozen different factors.
After calculating the thickness of the pouring floor, its formation and subsequent processing is carried out. Pre -grinding, which consists in removing the upper weak layer of concrete and preparing a flat surface. Subsequent processing is carried out using grout machines that can be single -rope or two -rope using topping, which is a progressive and relatively cheap way to form a smooth and strong concrete surface.
After grouting, the surface of the flood floor becomes smooth, imperishable and durable. It has excellent resistance against oil and gasoline. The grout process is carried out immediately after laying, until the flooded surface has yet been frozen. This approach allows you to significantly accelerate the commissioning of production area.
The performance of these works is usually carried out on cheese concrete with the help of grout and grinding machines with qualified specialists who feel, due to the state of the concrete floor, the need to perform certain stages of work. Ultimately, a smooth concrete floor of different colors is obtained, ready to accept equipment for installation.
For non -productive purposes, concrete surfaces may be polished using rubber -francfurts. The polishing process is carried out in several stages with the replacement of polishing Frankfurt with different granularity. The result of polishing is an ideal concrete floor with an almost mirror surface.
The polishing process can also be performed on the floors that were already in operation after exposure to mechanical and chemical loads on them. Thus, the processes of grouting and polishing are distinguished by the degree of smoothness and mirroring of the final surface of the concrete floors.
The use of a one or another method of surface processing is determined by the type of building and its purpose. However, with any choice, processing of the concrete surface is necessary to ensure high operational characteristics of the formed concrete floor.