The activities of the Sun Energy medium -percentage investment portal are based on the development of all alternative energy -saving energy sources. The technical base of the project at the same time is equipped quite fully in the best traditions of such portals. It works at one of the popular scripts in the Russian community-H SCIPT, SSL-shift and protection from DDOS attacks are available.
Politics in terms of investment on the project keeps up with modernity, there are plans to include deposits in the payment of deposits. It was popular both before and today. The interest of participants in such projects is constantly increasing, which leads to amazing results.
According to Legend, Sun Energy has been engaged in all areas of alternative energy over three years. The company purchases the necessary components from China suppliers for solar panels and transport them to certain regions of Russia, where direct assembly and sale of ready-made solar panels is carried out, more information can be found on SVN-Energy.
The design of the project as a whole is unique, in structural design it is suitable not only for fast start-ups but also for strong mid-mediums, it does not cause any irritation. The translation of the site was made immediately into two languages - Russian and English, so no one will have problems with the initial adatpiation. The navigation was thought out correctly, the “hat” of the site was duplicated below, with links to all sections. Also on the main page all tariff plans and an initial profit calculator are written, several lines about what the company is, as well as statistics, which, in principle, is not “wound up”.
As for the plans for investments, they are relatively similar to those left earlier, but the percentage of accruals every day is from 4.5 to 8% per day, that is, the final profit of “slightly” overstated. The term of deposits begins from 30 days or more, during which deposits are paid in parallel with interest. Upon completion of the investment, the amount of accruals is on average from 140 to 240%, and the minimum size of the deposit introduced is $ 10.