Experts know that raw wood cannot be used in work, t.To. In the future, she will begin to rot. So that this does not happen, the wood is dried. There are many ways of drying. And one of them is the steaming.
In villages where there are Russian stoves, it is not difficult to do it – according to the “free” heat. The boiler is selected, and raw wood is laid in it. A little water is poured on the bottom of the boiler.
The stove is well heated and freed from coal. Then only put a cast iron in the stove and close the damper. Thus, the wood is steamed for about 12 hours. Then removed from the boiler and dried already at room temperature.
You can steam wood without utensils: prepared casts are neatly placed on a clean (vigilant) stove. At the same time, wood will not only harden from cracking, but also acquires a decorative shade of golden brown color.
In urban conditions, a Russian stove can be replaced with a dryer or oven with a dryer. It is enough to withstand the wood for about 3 hours at a temperature of 750C.
Rawwood of hardwood can also be boiled in volumetric loud, with saturated saline solution (per 1 liter of water 5 tbsp. tablespoons of table salt). You need to cook 3-4 hours over low heat, and dry 2-3 weeks at room temperature.
First, “boiled” wood is covered with a dense fabric, ventilating from time to time. In the second week, matter can be removed.